- IMPORTANT: If you download UnderStrap from GitHub make sure you rename the 'understrap-master.zip' file to 'understrap.zip' or you might have problems using this child theme! Upload the understrap-child folder to your wp-content/themes directory Go into your WP admin backend Go to 'Appearance - Themes'.
- Typically with Understrap, you’d upload the Understrap theme as-is, with no modifications at all if possible, then make a copy of the Understrap Child theme, and add your customizations to that. With Sage, we’re not going to do that. We install a copy of Sage into a directory, and make our modifications to it directly.
- UnderStrap combines the Underscores starter theme (by Automattic) and the mobile-first, responsive grid framework Bootstrap 4 (by Twitter) into a perfect open source foundation for your next WordPress theme project. Download NEW!: 0.9.4.or view source on GitHub.
Understrap Github
Hi Holger, I have a noob question but is important for me. {FIRST: my english is very bad, sorry for that.}
Okey, this is my history... I download the .zip in the homepage understrap.com (this is the theme) and I use WAMP for localhost testing, so I unzip the file in a new WP installation in themes folder and install the theme with the WP Dashboard. Very good this steps.
Then I decided add custom styles in theme.scss file, I use Ruby for compass and sass compile files. I try and not work. I supose the problem is the version of Ruby, after update update ruby, sass and compass, try again and nothing work with sass files.
Okey, not cry Lucas, be patience :sparkles:
I go to github understap homepage and read the 'Developing With npm, Bower, Gulp and SASS and [Browser Sync][1]' so I reinstall nodejs, npm, instal bower, grunt, gulp and follow this steps:
Installing Dependencies
- Make sure you have installed Node.js, Bower, and Browser-Sync on your computer globally
- Then open your terminal and browse to the location of your UnderStrap copy
- Run: $ npm install then: $ bower install and finally: $ gulp copy-assets
Running- To work and compile your Sass files on the fly start:
$ gulp watch
- To work and compile your Sass files on the fly start:
I make a change in scss file, and with 'gulp watch' all work fine. Yeah Lucas, you are an Avenger! GREAT GREAT!
So I go to the understrap theme folder in localhost and see a lot of new files and folders, so my noob question is: This is a correct way to work with the framework? I upload all this folders and files in my host for my online project?
Thanks a lot for this framework :)

Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider. UnderStrap is a WordPress theme framework. Bootstrap 4and the starter theme All glued together by npm, Gulp and Sass. You can use it as starter theme and build your own design theme on top of it.
As I explained on The virtuosity of reporting in the Open Source world for me is very important to open issues or tickets when I found something in open source projects.
The problem during the time that maybe keep an eye to different platforms and track the task assigned can be a problem.
One of my most requested things was to have an aggregator of task assigned to me in various platform. Ignoring labels, priorities and milestone because they are consistency used between various projects and services.
After looking on internet I discovered that there is a tool, TaskWarrior that is for CLI usage to do a task list.
Also, I discovered that there is an external tool that can integrate different services like GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket and many others in TaskWarrior, his name is bugwarrior.

After different testing I saw that is working, so I chosen to upload my settings of bugwarrior (without my access token of course) on GitHub.
The next step was to do a web interface that I based on taskwarrior-php, to adapt to my needs.

So the view is very simple with only a list without any chance to interact with the db of TaskWarrior because for my needs is not required.
As you can see I censured the BitBucket stuff that is work stuff so like private 🙂
Now my idea is to see if I need to upload this stuff on a private VPS that automatically update the list and avoid executing locally.
Wordpress Bootstrap Starter Theme
In any case now is working and for me is perfect!
For all the scripts that I am using, you can find them here.

Understrap Child Theme