Tex-Edit Plus can smarten or dumb down punctuation, as desired. For a long-term solution, create a guide of best practices that includes all required typographic conventions, including the use of smart quotes. Distribute the guidelines to all the writers, editors, copy editors, proofreaders, designers, webmasters and programmers so that. Text Edit Plus is a lightweight and easy to use text editor and analyzer that allows users to view key data on characters, words and lines employed in the source document. The application features. EditPlus is a text editor for Windows with built-in FTP, FTPS and sftp capabilities. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. Tex-Edit Plus is a fast and simple, styled text editor named after Texas, the author's homeland (it has nothing to do with TeX or LaTeX).The extensively scriptable application for Mac OS X is considered highly useful for cleaning up cross-platform text and styles.

Websites with eText Resources

The Project Gutenberg philosophy is to makeinformation, books and other materials available to the general publicin forms a vast majority of the computers, programs and people caneasily read, use, quote, and search
The Internet Public Library is a publicservice organization and a learning/teaching environment at theUniversity of Michigan School of Information.
'An attempt to gather together andcategorize the growing number of Internet resources related to booksfor children and young adults. Much of the information that you canfind through these pages is provided by others: fans, schools,libraries, and commercial enterprises involved in the book world.' Best sound editing software mac free.
A collection of digital documents collectedin the subject areas of English literature, American literature, andWestern philosophy.
Bibliomania is the best loved literatureportal on the internet. It has won numerous awards, including beingvoted one of the top 300 web sites in the World by Forbes magazine, andtwice voted one of the UK's top 100 web sites. Bibliomania offers you asuperb educational resource with the full text of classic worldliterature and important non-fiction texts supported by an extensivereference section. Our study guides provide the best in currentacademic analysis and the Well Red magazine the best in contemporaryreviews, articles and interviews
Baen Books (Science fiction) is now makingavailable - for free - a number of its titles in electronic format.We're calling it the Baen Free Library. Anyone who wishes can readthese titles online - no conditions, no strings attached. (Later we mayask for an extremely simple, name & email only, registration. ) Or,if you prefer, you can download the books in one of several formats.Again, with no conditions or strings attached. (URLs to sites whichoffer the readers for these format are also listed.)
The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal culturalinstitution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also thelargest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections.
The Electronic Text Center provides accessto over 5,000 texts (1,200 of these are available for the MicrosoftReader format), including classic British and American fiction,children's literature, and books on American history.
- Bookshare™ is free for all U.S. students with qualifying disabilities. Student memberships are currently funded by an award from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
- Bookshare dramatically increases the accessibility of books. Bookshare believes that people with disabilities deserve the same ease of access to books and periodicals that people without disabilities enjoy.
- A searchable online library. Bookshare offers more than 42,000 digital books, textbooks, teacher-recommended reading, periodicals and assistive technology tools.
TheThe Accessible Book Collection is a non-profit corporation. Our primary mission is to provide high interest/low reading level digital text to qualified persons with disabilities. Government and non-profit schools and others can subscribe to the very affordable Accessible Book Collection and have a large selection of e-books for all their eligible students for one low price.
Major parts of the site include:
Lil' Fingers is a storybook site for toddlers with educationalgames, storybooks and coloring pages. Our FREE toddler stories,activities & holiday sections are designed with bright colors &big buttons for little fingers.
Kid's section of the Internet PublicLIbrary (see above)
NIMAS (National Instructional Media Accessibility Standards)
NIMAS refers to a collection of consistent and valid XML-based source
files created by K-12 curriculum publishers. From these well-structured
source files, accessible, student-ready alternate-format versions of
textbooks and core materials (e.g., Braille, e-text, Digital Talking Books,
etc.) can subsequently be created and distributed to qualified students with
disabilities. NIMAS files are NOT student-ready versions. IDEA 2004, P.L.
108-446, establishes the NIMAS as a national standard and requires states
and local districts to adopt the NIMAS for providing textbooks and
instructional materials to students who are blind or print-disabled.

- Indiana Educational Resource Center --Located at the Indiana
School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Indianapolis. The IERC is an
educational resource center for materials for the blind and visually impaired
students being served in Indiana.
Other Valuable Resources
UDL Bookbuilder Use this site to create, share, publish, and read digital books that engage and support diverse learners according to their individual needs, interests, and skills.Editplus 2
- The DAISY Consortium was formed for the purpose of establishing the International Standard for the production, exchange and use of the next generation of Digital Talking Books (DTBs). The DAISY Consortium is made up of organizations throughout the world who serve persons who are blind or print disabled. The object of the DAISY Consortium is to improve access to all kinds of information for blind and print-disabled people.
Digital Talking Books Resources
A digital Talking Book is envisioned to be, in its fullest implementation, a group of digitally encoded files containing an audio portion recorded in human speech; the full text of the work in electronic form, marked with tags of a descriptive mark-up language; and a linking file that synchronizes text and audio portions. In a digital talking book, a reader has a random access to book sections via a table of contents. The digitization of books intended for persons with disabilities provides opportunities to increase the quality and availability of information to print disabled persons.
- Plextor’s Plextalk
IDEAL Website Training Modules

The Indiana Designs Equitable Access for Learning (IDEAL) a funded
project of the Indiana Department of Education, Division of Exceptional
Learner. The main focus is to create training modules directly related to the
fields of disabilities. These modules are built adhering to the simplest of
HTML/Web standards to help ensure accessibility and fast downloading
when possible.
Textbook Resource Files
- This site will provide the Indiana State Textbook Adoption List and
other relevant information pertain to textbook adoption - Tech-Adapt is a company providing AMP services to SEAs and LEAs
- Bookshare is a company providing AMP services to SEAs and LEAs
- Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic is providing AMP services to SEAs and
LEAs - TextbookReader will scan books for student with print disabilities to
make trade and text books available.
Editor Plus

Free Digital Content and Player Websites
- FilePlaza.com
Convert rich text documents to other formats
With TextEdit, you can open and edit rich text documents created in other word processing apps, including Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. You can also save your documents in a different format, so they’re compatible with other apps.
Create and edit HTML documents
You don’t need a special app to write or edit HTML code—just use TextEdit. You can display HTML documents like you’d see them in a browser, or use TextEdit as a code editor.
Mark up images
You can write or draw on images in your text files using the tools in the Markup toolbar.
To explore the TextEdit User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page, or enter a word or phrase in the search field.