
  1. Mac Install Sourcetree
  2. Sourcetree Slow Mac Os
  3. Sourcetree Slow Machine
  4. Sourcetree Mac Os 10.12

From Sourcetree, click the Branch button. Depending on whether you have a Git or Mercurial repository, you see a different popup for creating a new branch. From the New Branch or Create a new branch field, enter wish-list for the name of your branch. Click Create Branch or OK. From Sourcetree, click the Show in Finder button. The directory on.

  • Status:Needs Triage(View Workflow)
  • Resolution: Unresolved
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Mac Install Sourcetree

Sourcetree Slow Mac

Sourcetree has all of a sudden gotten really slow? Ludo. It is slow to start up, and staging file and other actions like that results in a busy spinner that lasts for 30 to 90 seconds. How do I begin to troubleshoot this? SourceTree appears to be slow, particularly when the refreshing views such as the history view.

Using Standalone.

Sourcetree Slow Mac

Sourcetree Slow Mac Os

Since sourcetree 1.7.2 I have experienced a situation where sourcetree runs for a certain amount of commits at its usual snappy speed, then starts to slow down till it gets to the point that I'm waiting up to 20 seconds for it to refresh my folders and then huge lag issues like if I try to drag folders / files from my working tree to stage them, they end up all over the place (like my desktop) cause ST can't keep up with the UI. The only thing that fixes this is restarting ST. As soon as I close it and restart it is straight back to its snappy old self.

Sourcetree Slow Machine

The git repos I am using are quite small - normally less than 20mb with no more than 600 files so they aren't huge team efforts - just small websites. Free video and audio converter for mac.

Sourcetree Mac Os 10.12

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