
WPKube is an online WordPress resource which focuses on WordPress tutorials, How-to’s, guides, plugins, news, and more. We aim to provide the most comprehensive beginner’s guides to anything about WordPress — from installing plugins, themes, automated installs and setups, to creating and setting up pages for your website. WordPress is free, open-source software that is known to be versatile and effortless to install. If you’re here to know how to install WordPress, keep reading. Keep in mind, however, that this guide is for installing WordPress on shared hosting and a local machine (Windows and Mac). To learn how to install WordPress on VPS, refer to this article. By manually installing WordPress you have the choice to create a website or use the software to handle your development in a safe place since it’s installed locally. To install WordPress manually, you need to download and upload the WordPress files, create a database and install WordPress. Let’s get started.

  1. Installing Wordpress On Windows
  2. Installing Wordpress On Ubuntu 20.04
  3. Install Wordpress On My Computer
  4. Installing Wordpress Mamp
  5. Installing Wordpress Theme
  6. Installing Wordpress On Ubuntu

WordPress is the most popular open source blogging system and CMS on the Web. It is based on PHP and MySQL. Its features can be extended with thousands of free plugins and themes.

In this tutorial we will install WordPress on Apache2 server and create our first post.

What you’ll learn

  • How to set up WordPress
  • How to configure WordPress
  • How to create first post

What you’ll need

  • A computer running Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
  • Running Apache2 server
  • You don’t need to know how to configure database.

Originally authored by Marcin Mikołajczak

WordPress started as a blogging system, but it has evolved into a full content management system and so much more. Ready to get started? The Marketplace makes it easy to install WordPress and other third-party scripts to your hosting account.
Follow one of the two sets of steps below to install WordPress. To begin, you will need to access your Bluehost control panel.


  1. Click on the My Sites tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
  2. Click the Create Sitebutton.
  3. New windows appear for two highly recommended website builders.
  4. Click the Start Building button under the WordPress option.
  5. Enter the Admin Information:

Installing Wordpress On Windows

  • Site Name: This will be the name displayed on your site. This is not the URL but simply the name used on your site.
  • Site Tagline: This should reflect a brief description of your website.
  • Advanced Tab:
    • Email Address: This will be where your login information will be sent.
    • WordPress Admin Username: The desired login name for your application
    • WordPress Admin Password: The desired password for this application.
      Please review our article on creating strong passwords.

The installer will take a couple of minutes to install your application. Once done:

  1. Click on the My Sites tab from the side navigation menu to the left.
  2. Hover over the site you wish to manage, and click Manage Site.
  3. On the upper right most corner, click Log into WordPress.

Installing Wordpress On Ubuntu 20.04


Install Wordpress On My Computer

  1. Click the website option from the sub-menu
  2. From the WordPress section, click the install now button.
  3. Hover your mouse over the WordPress icon, and click the install button.
  4. Enter the Admin Information.
    • Software Setup
      • Choose the version you want to install: This will be the version of the WordPress builder you would like to install.
      • Choose Installation URL: This will be the URL name displayed on your site. Choose the file directory associated with it.
    • Site Settings
      • Site Name: This will be the name displayed on your site. This is not the URL but simply the name used on your site.
      • Site Description: This should reflect a brief description of your website.
      • Enable Multisite (WPMU): This feature will enable the multisite option for your WordPress blog.
        Your server must support Apache mod_rewrite to use this feature.
    • Admin Account
      • Admin Username: The desired login name for your application
      • Admin Password: The desired password for this application
        Please review this article creating strong passwords for reference.
      • Admin Email Address: This is where your login information will be sent.
    • Choose Language:
      • Select Preferred Language: Click the ▼ button, then choose a preferred language.
    • Select Plugin(s):
      • Choose your preferred plugins by clicking the checkbox.
        • Limit Login Attempts (Loginizer): This plugin will protect your site against brute-force attacks by limiting the number of login attempts for your WordPress installation. Click here to visit the plugin site.
        • Classic Editor:This restores the previous WordPress editor and the Edit Post screen. It also helps you use the plugins that extend it and add old-style meta boxes. Click here to visit the plugin site.
        • wpCentral - Manage Multiple WordPress: This helps you to manage all your WordPress blogs from ONE dashboard. Click here to visit the plugin site.
    • Advanced Options:
      • Database Name: Type the name of the database to be created for the installation.
      • Table Prefix: Enter any preferred table prefix for the database.
      • Disable Update Notifications Emails: Click on the checkbox.
        Note: If you check this option, you will not receive an email notification for updates available for this installation.
      • Auto Upgrade:Select the automatic upgrade preference for this installation when a new version is available.
      • Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins: Click on the checkbox.
        Note: If you check this option, all WordPress plugins installed for this installation would be automatically upgraded to the latest version (every 24 hours).
      • Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes: Click on the checkbox.
        Note: If you check this option, all WordPress themes installed for this installation would be automatically upgraded to the latest version (every 24 hours).
    • Select Theme.
      • This is optional. If not selected, the default theme will be installed. Themes are provided by PopularFX and built on Pagelayer Editor.
    • Email installation details to: Enter the preferred email address that will receive the installation details and update.
  5. Once you're finished, click the Install button.

Installing Wordpress Mamp

Once the installation has been completed:

Installing Wordpress Theme

Installing Wordpress
  1. Click the Installations section at the top of the page.
  2. Find the domain that has WordPress installed, and click the link.
For more information about the differences between the Bluerock and Legacy interface, please see Bluerock vs. Legacy

Installing Wordpress On Ubuntu
