Note that native HTML element names start with a lowercase letter, while custom React class names begin with an uppercase letter. At this point, run your application by clicking the 'Play' button in Visual Studio. If successful, your default browser should start and you should see 'Hello, world! Visual Studio Code with its in-built debugging support for node.js runtime is perfect for this scenario. In this blog, we will take example of Filtered Product List application found on under Thinking in React section. This is a popular example for anyone learning React. When installing the extension React development could be really fun As VS Code from version 0.10.10 supports React components syntax inside js files the snippets are available for JavaScript language as well. In the following example you can see the usage of a React stateless component with prop types snippets inside a js and not jsx file.
VS Code Reactjs snippets
This extension contains code snippets for Reactjs and is based on the awesome babel-sublime-snippets package.
Visual Studio React Typescript Template
In order to install an extension you need to launch the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P) and type Extensions.There you have either the option to show the already installed snippets or install new ones.
Supported languages (file extensions)
- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- JavaScript React (.jsx)
- TypeScript React (.tsx)
Breaking change in version 2.0.0
Removed support for jsx language as it was giving errors in developer tools #39
Breaking change in version 1.0.0
Up until verion 1.0.0 all the JavaScript snippets where part of the extension. Gaming mouse for mac. In order to avoid duplicationthe snippets are now included only to this extension and if you want to use them you have to install it explicitly.
Windows system 32 exe. When installing the extension React development could be really fun
As VS Code from version 0.10.10 supports React components syntax inside js files the snippets are available for JavaScript language as well.In the following example you can see the usage of a React stateless component with prop types snippets inside a js and not jsx file.
Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The ⇥ means the TAB
Trigger | Content |
rcc→ | class component skeleton |
rrc→ | class component skeleton with react-redux connect |
rrdc→ | class component skeleton with react-redux connect and dispatch |
rccp→ | class component skeleton with prop types after the class |
rcjc→ | class component skeleton without import and default export lines |
rcfc→ | class component skeleton that contains all the lifecycle methods |
rwwd→ | class component without import statements |
rpc→ | class pure component skeleton with prop types after the class |
rsc→ | stateless component skeleton |
rscp→ | stateless component with prop types skeleton |
rscm→ | memoize stateless component skeleton |
rscpm→ | memoize stateless component with prop types skeleton |
rsf→ | stateless named function skeleton |
rsfp→ | stateless named function with prop types skeleton |
rsi→ | stateless component with prop types and implicit return |
fcc→ | class component with flow types skeleton |
fsf→ | stateless named function skeleton with flow types skeleton |
fsc→ | stateless component with flow types skeleton |
rpt→ | empty propTypes declaration |
rdp→ | empty defaultProps declaration |
con→ | class default constructor with props |
conc→ | class default constructor with props and context |
est→ | empty state object |
cwm→ | componentWillMount method |
cdm→ | componentDidMount method |
cwr→ | componentWillReceiveProps method |
scu→ | shouldComponentUpdate method |
cwup→ | componentWillUpdate method |
cdup→ | componentDidUpdate method |
cwun→ | componentWillUnmount method |
gsbu→ | getSnapshotBeforeUpdate method |
gdsfp→ | static getDerivedStateFromProps method |
cdc→ | componentDidCatch method |
ren→ | render method |
sst→ | this.setState with object as parameter |
ssf→ | this.setState with function as parameter |
props→ | this.props |
state→ | this.state |
bnd→ | binds the this of method inside the constructor |
disp→ | MapDispatchToProps redux function |
Visual Studio React Extension
The following table lists all the snippets that can be used for prop types.Every snippet regarding prop types begins with pt
so it's easy to group it all together and explore all the available options.On top of that each prop type snippets has one equivalent when we need to declare that this property is also required.
Vscode Debug React
Visual Studio React Tutorial
For example pta
creates the PropTypes.array
and ptar
creates the PropTypes.array.isRequired
Smart notebook for mac.
Trigger | Content |
pta→ | PropTypes.array, |
ptar→ | PropTypes.array.isRequired, |
ptb→ | PropTypes.bool, |
ptbr→ | PropTypes.bool.isRequired, |
ptf→ | PropTypes.func, |
ptfr→ | PropTypes.func.isRequired, |
ptn→ | PropTypes.number, |
ptnr→ | PropTypes.number.isRequired, |
pto→ | PropTypes.object, |
ptor→ | PropTypes.object.isRequired, |
pts→ | PropTypes.string, |
ptsr→ | PropTypes.string.isRequired, |
ptsm→ | PropTypes.symbol, |
ptsmr→ | PropTypes.symbol.isRequired, |
ptan→ | PropTypes.any, |
ptanr→ | PropTypes.any.isRequired, |
ptnd→ | PropTypes.node, |
ptndr→ | PropTypes.node.isRequired, |
ptel→ | PropTypes.element, |
ptelr→ | PropTypes.element.isRequired, |
pti→ | PropTypes.instanceOf(ClassName), |
ptir→ | PropTypes.instanceOf(ClassName).isRequired, |
pte→ | PropTypes.oneOf(['News', 'Photos']), |
pter→ | PropTypes.oneOf(['News', 'Photos']).isRequired, |
ptet→ | PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]), |
ptetr→ | PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]).isRequired, |
ptao→ | PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), |
ptaor→ | PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired, |
ptoo→ | PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number), |
ptoor→ | PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired, |
ptoos→ | PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape()), |
ptoosr→ | PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.shape()).isRequired, |
ptsh→ | PropTypes.shape({color: PropTypes.string, fontSize: PropTypes.number}), |
ptshr→ | PropTypes.shape({color: PropTypes.string, fontSize: PropTypes.number}).isRequired, |