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This MariaDB tutorial explores all of the comparison operators used to test for equality and inequality, as well as the more advanced operators.


DigMinecraft is a great resource to answer your Minecraft game questions with pictures and step by step instructions to follow. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the game called Minecraft! Command Generators in Minecraft. Our Command Generators create the Minecraft commands for complex /summon, /give, /setblock, or /fill commands. With these tools, you can easily summon a custom mob with weapons, armor, enchantments and effects.

Cookies make it easier for us to provide you with our services. With the usage of our services you permit us to use cookies. SELECT. FROM sites WHERE sitename 'DigMinecraft.com'; In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the sites table where the sitename is not equal to 'DigMinecraft.com'. Or you could also write this query using the!= operator, as follows.

Comparison operators are used in the WHERE clause to determine which records to select. Here is a list of the comparison operators that you can use in MariaDB:

Comparison OperatorDescription
<=>Equal (Safe to compare NULL values)
<>Not Equal
!=Not Equal
>Greater Than
>=Greater Than or Equal
<Less Than
<=Less Than or Equal
IN ( )Matches a value in a list
NOTNegates a condition
BETWEENWithin a range (inclusive)
LIKEPattern matching with % and _
EXISTSCondition is met if subquery returns at least one row

Let's review the comparison operators that you can use in MariaDB.

Example - Equality Operator

In MariaDB, you can use the = operator to test for equality in a query. The = operator can only test equality with values that are not NULL.

For example:

In this example, the SELECT statement above would return all rows from the sites table where the site_name is equal to 'TechOnTheNet.com'.

Example - Equality Operator (Safe with NULL Values)

Because the = operator only compares non-NULL values, it is not safe to use with NULL values. To overcome this limitation, MariaDB added the <=> operator to allow you to test for equality with both NULL and non-NULL values.

To better explain the difference between the = operator and the <=> operator, we will include some examples with both queries and data.

Assuming that we have a table called sites in MariaDB that is populated with the following data:


We could use the = operator in the following query:

Because we used the = operator, we would get the following results:


In this example, the SELECT statement above would return all rows from the sites table where server1 is equal to server2. It does not return the second record where server1 and server2 are both NULL values.

Now let's see what happens when we rewrite our query using the <=> operator that is safe to use with NULL values:

Because we used the <=> operator, we would get the following results:


Now our query returns all rows from the sites table where server1 is equal to server2, including those records where server1 and server2 are NULL values.

Example - Inequality Operator

In MariaDB, you can use the <> or != operators to test for inequality in a query.

For example, we could test for inequality using the <> operator, as follows:

In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the sites table where the site_name is not equal to 'DigMinecraft.com'.

Or you could also write this query using the != operator, as follows:

Both of these queries would return the same results.

Example - Greater Than Operator

You can use the > operator in MariaDB to test for an expression greater than.

In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the sites table where the site_id is greater than 3. A site_id equal to 3 would not be included in the result set.

Example - Greater Than or Equal Operator

In MariaDB, you can use the >= operator to test for an expression greater than or equal to.

In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the sites table where the site_id is greater than or equal to 3. In this case, site_id equal to 3 would be included in the result set.

Example - Less Than Operator

You can use the < operator in MariaDB to test for an expression less than.

In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the sites table where the site_id is less than 50. A site_id equal to 50 would not be included in the result set.

Example - Less Than or Equal Operator

In MariaDB, you can use the <= operator to test for an expression less than or equal to.

In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the sites table where the site_id is less than or equal to 50. In this case, site_id equal to 50 would be included in the result set.

Example - Advanced Operators

We've written specific tutorials to discuss each of the more advanced comparison operators in MariaDB. These topics will be covered later, or you can jump to one of these tutorials now.

DigMinecraft is a great resource to answer your Minecraft game questions with pictures and step by step instructions to follow. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the game called Minecraft!

And now Minecraft is more than just a great game! It is a game-based learning platform with content for students from K to grade 12 and includes special features designed for classroom use. Students can learn coding and even chemistry! Minecraft is in use in thousands of classrooms in over 100 countries.

Getting Started

In Minecraft, there are basic skills to learn such as how to open a crafting table, dig, mine, farm, use a torch, chop a tree, use a bed, put on armor, build a nether portal and build an end portal.

Learn the basic skills.

Commands & Cheats

You can use game commands (cheats) in Minecraft PC to change the time of day, weather conditions, game mode, summon a mob, give items and add experience.

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Command Generators

Use our Command Generators to create /summon and /give Minecraft commands that are as complex as you want. You can summon mobs, give items or create your own villager trades.

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Command Blocks

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Basic Recipes

In Minecraft, you can craft basic items such as a crafting table, furnace, chest, wood plank, iron ingot, gold ingot, bed, stick, ladder, torch, fences, or signs.

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Mobs in Minecraft are living creatures that move around in the game such as chickens, pigs, skeletons, witches, blazes, cows, sheep, creepers, spiders and wither bosses.

Learn about mobs.


Materials are items that you need to find and gather in Minecraft such as iron ore, gold ore, diamonds, wood, bones, glowstone dust, redstone, wheat, string, gunpowder, eggs and feathers.

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Armor Recipes

Armor is used for protection when battling mobs in Minecraft. You can craft armor such as a helmet, cap, chestplate, leggings, pants, boots and shield.


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Decoration Recipes

You can craft decoration items in Minecraft such as a painting, jukebox, slime block, anvil, iron bars, redstone lamp, glass pane, carpet, banners, note blocks and stained glass panes.

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Dye Recipes

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Block Recipes

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Food Recipes

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Mechanism Recipes

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Tool Recipes

Tools are an essential part of Minecraft. You can craft tools such as a shovel, an axe, a hoe, a bucket, a clock, a fishing rod, a pickaxe, a compass, shears, a bowl, or flint and steel.

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Transportation Recipes

You can use transportation items to move around in the game. You can craft transportation items in Minecraft such as boats, carrot on a stick, saddles, minecarts and rails.

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Weapon Recipes

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Status Effects

Mobs and players can be given effects that will change their condition/status in the game. These status effects can either be helpful and harmful.

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Version History

Minecraft is available for Java Edition, PS3, PS4, Pocket Edition (PE), Education Edition, Windows 10, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U and Nintendo Switch.

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ID and Name Lists

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Search our interactive lists of IDs and Names.

Data Tags

Digminecraft Mob Generator

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Spawn Eggs

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